Just the Facts

Born: Yvonne Jude Antal on June 16, 1936 in Chippewa Lake, OH

Died: June 20, 2018

Married: Wilbur Wiley on February 1, 1957

Children: Deborah, Kimberly, William

Nabisco Brands

Granger, Standard Welding,

Yvonne’s celebration of life details, including video of the service are HERE

Here are some details on Yvonne

  • According to Yvonne, she “got away” with more because of her eyes – she got to go to Akron once a year for her eye appointment and visit with relatives
  • Worked at Nabisco Brands in Seville, OH
  • Took her kids shopping most Saturdays, going for hot dogs and enjoying time out

A two-page life summary is HERE

A photo summary is HERE

Details of Yvonne’s married life with Wilbur plus details on their family are HERE

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